For Students
STEAM Program
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math
Students will also receive role model guest lecturers who have been successful in their chosen professional fields
STEAM Student Program Initiatives
Sports Analytics
Sports enthusiasts use analytical methods to improve decision making and strategy
Robotics leagues teach engineering through handson class and lab work
Summer Camps & Internships
High school students attend summer camps and college students serve internships
Students receive wellrounded learning through arts exposure
STEAM Student Program Network
TMCT serves as the centerpiece of the network to support high school students with class/lab space, collegiate interns and high school faculty mentors
TMCT class/lab space
Thurgood Marshall Center Trust facility will host the students weekly and provide a proper learning environment that will include all the technology equipment that students will need to support program development
College students
College students will serve as interns to supervise the high school student teams as they progress through their weekly program requirements. The college interns will grade and give performance progress to the high school students.
High School Faculty
High school faculty STEM advisors at selected schools will be key stakeholders as they will provide application, recruitment and matriculation support for TMCT students. The students may also be participating in their high school STEM programs and TMCT programming will provide additional program exposure.